October 23, 2008

Hire me!

In case you haven't heard I am in the market for a new job. If you know of anyone wanting to hire an brilliant, energetic, and massively creative marketing genius please direct them to www.marilyndavidson.com

October 14, 2008

Funny how things happen

It's funny that my last blog post was about slowing down and giving more attention to friends and family. Well now I have as much time as I would like to spend with them. Be careful what you wish for :)

Seriously, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. It may drive me crazy but I have no control over what happens in my life. Yes, I have control over whether I'll wear a read or blue shirt today. Or if I'll eat a sandwich or pizza for lunch. But on the grander scale I really have no say. God has a plan and I have to trust that everything will work out.

He has already shown me in several ways this weekend that he is going to take care of me and he is in control. I couldn't control the fact that sitting 3 rows away from me at the OU/TX game was someone who was on my list of people to call for a job, God did that! Or the fact that a friend of our friends who was tailgating with us happened to know the person hiring for the position I had just sent my resume in for. That was ALL God. Or that I received a call from a high school friend this morning who I haven't talked to in almost ten years and she provided yet another opportunity for me to make some money....hello God I know you're there.

Its sad that God has to knock me on my butt to get me to shut up and listen!

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

October 7, 2008

Sometimes we all need a reminder that it's ok to slow down.

After I finished my physical therapy session this afternoon I debated on whether I should run by my husband's grandparents house and grab a sandwich or hit up a drive through. "A drive through would be so much faster," I kept saying to myself. But stopping by Troy and Omega's would mean time to visit on catch up. "But I don't have much time and I need to get back to work!" (More excuses from myself) If they offered degrees in excuse making I would have a doctorate.

In the end I opted with going by the grandparents, after all food there would be free. (my cheap side won) So, I ran into the house and immediately headed for the fridge grabbing everything I needed for a sandwich all the while saying my hellos. I had the Omega special; a turkey and mustard sandwich, coke and mozzarella sticks.

As I sat in the kitchen talking to Troy I was happy that I chose to stop by. Time with family and grandparents is so limited and I think that too often I take advantage of it. Sure I have good intentions. I tell myself that I am going to see someone and next thing I know the week is over. I get caught up with pilates, running errands, watching my favorite shows, and responsibilities with junior league.

In the end going to the Gibson's was worth taking the extra time. It forced me to slow down and just enjoy time with family. I enjoyed listening to his stories about the war and hearing about how there used to be a vending machine that dispensed beer on base.

I think we all could benefit from slowing down more often. There is nothing better than time with family!

October 3, 2008

Rep. Sullivan leaning towards a yes vote on the bailout bill.

Rep. Sullivan to switch vote on bailout

By The Associated Press
Published: October 3, 2008

Two of the three U.S. House members from Oklahoma who voted against the financial bailout plan remained undecided on a second proposal that headed toward another vote on Friday.

Rep. John Sullivan announced he would vote for the Senate-passed version, but aides said Reps. Mary Fallin and Frank Lucas still were reviewing it and had not made up their minds.

"While the Senate passed financial rescue package is far from perfect — in fact it is a bitter pill to swallow — I am convinced that action needs to be taken to protect the pensions, investments and ability of Americans to obtain a line of credit, and therefore I will vote to support the bill," Sullivan said in a statement.

Sullivan joins Rep. Tom Cole and Dan Boren, the delegation's only Democrat, in supporting the bailout.Read the rest.

Call your congressman or congresswoman and tell them to vote NO!

Rep. John Sullivan 202-225-2211

Rep. Mary Fallin 202-225-2132

Rep. Dan Boren 202-225-2701

Rep. Frank Lucas 202-225-5565

October 1, 2008

Supply vs. Demand Should Be Common Sense by Now

It might seem odd to defend the free market anywhere in America. How is it that the free market could be doubted, especially since the collapse of Marxist socialism in the early 1990s? Are not the attributes of free-market capitalism obvious to all? Yet in the midst of the recent financial roller coaster ride and price spikes consumers have faced in visits to gas stations the past few months, some politicians have suggested ideas like production quotas or price controls. They have questioned whether the free market is best system for our citizens.

Is the free-market perfect? No. Is it the best system of trade and commerce for citizens who want to live in a free society? Absolutely, yes. Let’s look a little closer.

Issues that surround the energy industry actually provide an excellent means of examining free market principles, such as production quotas or price controls. No matter how frustrated we grow over prices, government controls don't work. In the energy sector, the Nixon administration's ill-advised rationing in 1973 led to long lines at gas stations, dreadful market distortions, and greater dependence on foreign suppliers. China experienced the same problem when it set refining quotas and consumer price controls in 2005.

The problem in the oil market right now is quite straight-forward: oil price increases come in the context of constant demand acceleration along with limited supply. In the world today, the methodical upward march in oil prices is driven by energy demand, not only in growing American and European economies, but the increased energy demand of India and China – places that, even 20 years ago, were comparatively minor players in the global economy. If we impose quotas or controls, the oil and gas will simply seek the more favorable offers of our global competitors, creating a shortage of supply here at home.

Things might be different if Oklahoma had more oil wells still operating. Through the decades, the state lost much of its marginal production, i.e. wells that did not produce enough to be profitable at the time when oil was less than $25 per barrel. Due to environmental regulations, these wells could not simply be turned off and sealed. They had to be filled with concrete. Today, if not filled in, these wells would be profitably adding to our nation’s domestic oil supply. This is simply a factual observation, not insensitivity to environmental concerns or historical reality.

The way forward, the best energy solution for America, and indeed for the entire world, is “all of the above”; meaning policymakers should remove obstacles and permit the market to work. They should encourage energy producers, transporters, businesses, universities and others to study and investigate every realistic means to boost energy production in a growing world economy. Oklahoma is uniquely positioned to contribute in many ways toward energy expansion.

“All of the above” includes an even stronger domestic oil and gas industry to maximize Oklahoma’s existing assets, infrastructure and resources; technological improvements in vehicle efficiency; accelerating clean coal systems for power generation; more wind, hydro and nuclear generation. It also includes energy diversity capabilities such as compressed natural gas (CNG), synthesized fuels from natural gas or coal (GTL/CTL), and biofuels in the form of ethanol, octane or whatever hydrocarbon configuration the market demands. It also may include upgrading the power grid so that Oklahoma can enjoy its central position as a power transporter. The important thing is that these initiatives are market-driven, not government mandated.

In the end, whether the concern is energy, health care, housing, or even monetary policy, there are no better alternatives to the price signals and rationality of the free market. In Oklahoma, the U.S. and the world, over time consumer choice should drive winners and losers, rather than government making such choices for us.

September 30, 2008


Happy Birthday to my sister Marie (she's the one on the right)! She is the big 3-0 today. Which only depresses me because it means I only have 2 more years until I'm that age.
I have a confession to make. I know that the recent developments with our country's economy are a very important issue. I know I should be spending my days reading every article that comes across my computer concerning it because in a round about way it will effect me...but I haven't been. I have to be honest it just depresses me and angers me that we have reached this point. Why do my husband and I have to live by different rules than everyone else? I would love to stop paying my mortgage and let the government come in and bail me out letting me pay them back when "things get better". I'm proud of our congressmen and women who stood up and said no yesterday to the bailout agreement.

If you would like to hear Mary Fallin's response to her vote you can here.

September 14, 2008

President Bush visits Oklahoma

Unless you were living under a rock the past two days then you know that President Bush visited Oklahoma City on Friday. Above is a picture of my mother-in-law getting to meet him. Soon I will have a pic of my encounter with him at the GOP fundraiser. It was awesome!

September 11, 2008

Where were you?

Just like the generation before us will always remember where they were when Kennedy was shot, I am convinced that my generation will grow up to tell their children where they were on September 11, 2001.

For me I was in my junior year of college living in a small apartment off campus with my best friend Jenica. I was getting ready for my morning class and listening to a local radio station when they began reporting that an airplane had hit one of the World Trade towers in New York City. Not immediately realizing the seriousness of what was happening they began making jokes about drunken pilots or inexperienced flyers. I then moved into my living room to sit on the couch and eat my morning cereal while I watched Fox News. They were covering the plane wreck and showing live shots of the World Trade towers when suddenly another plan came out of nowhere and crashed into the second tower. I screamed, and then just sat there in shock. Several times I had to remind myself that I was not watching a movie or a television show. This was happening in real life and in my country.

Six months later I traveled to New York City with three friends from UCO to spend our spring break talking with students from Pace University and helping at the World Trade Center Relief Shelter. Little did I know that these 5 days would change my outlook on life and volunteerism forever. It would also make me proud to be an American (but not for the first time ;) ).

The first place they took us was ground zero. This experience brought out mixed emotions. I wasn’t able to fully experience it the way a normal visitor would because they had set up interviews with several newspapers and we literally had cameras flashing in our face the entire time. (I hated it. Now I know why famous people freak out on the paparazzi)

We started the week with a conference on terrorism and round table discussion on how these horrible acts can affect a community and generation. While I believe that this time was well spent I have to say that I was a little restless. Those of you who know me know that I hate talking and I want to DO. I was ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work.

Finally I got my wish when we were taken to the relief shelter to work with the rescue workers and construction crew. Remember that this was 6 months after the tragedy and they were still searching for victims. In fact, we had an up close tour of ground zero scheduled but they had to cancel it because 13 bodies were found the day we were supposed to go.

I don’t know how to put in words the thoughts and feelings that were going through my head while we were at the shelter. Here we were in an old fire station that was stuffed from floor to ceiling with everything you could possible imagine an emergency worker would need. Our job while there was to help take inventory and fill the needs of the workers that would come in. We would give them clean dry socks; new boots; coveralls; gloves; cigarettes (yes I’m serious); shovels; and, my least favorite, body bags. We also served as confidants. They would come in from 12 hour shifts working at ground zero and just want someone to talk to. These were mostly young men in their early 20s who had to work in cold, rainy conditions and see things that no one should have to experience. Some had lost friends and relatives in the tragedy, others just wanted to help because they felt it was their duty as a New Yorker.

One thing that I will never forget from this experience is the vast amount of respect everyone in the city gave to the victims, their families, and the emergency workers. The shelter we worked in also served as a make shift memorial to firefighters who lost their lives. The gentleman who “ran” it was a former captain who, at the time, was serving as the head of the Hammer Team. This was the group of firemen who were first on scene whenever there was an anthrax threat. Whenever a family member of a victim would come in the place would go silent out of respect. No one talked, radios were turned off, and everyone rushed to do whatever they could to make them feel comfortable. Another ‘tradition’ was at ground zero, there was a long ramp that went into the pit and when someone’s remain were found all construction workers and firemen would stop what they were doing. An ambulance that was always placed at the top of the ramp would turn its lights on and everyone would stay that way until the remains were removed. I witnessed this once while there and it was an eerie yet proud moment.

If something like September 11th ever happened in our country again I would not hesitate to drop everything and go to help out. As Americans it’s our duty to help each other out no matter that person's race, religion, or personal beliefs. I consider that a privilege of living in the greatest country in the world.

This is Anthony Reinhart. A student from Pace University
who served as our tour guide for the
I feel honored to have spent that time with
He is a bright young man who is going to do BIG things.

In this picture is Hilary Fite, Laura Beth Wren,
a younger skinnier Marilyn, Kate Thrift (Lindley),
and the guy who headed up the Hammer Team (I wish I remembered his name)
at the relief shelter.

September 7, 2008

The Palin Factor

We are truly living in exciting times. This November we will be given the chance to witness history. For the first time as a nation we will either have a black president or a female vice-president. Several times over the past week I've ask individuals in their 70s and 80s if they ever thought either of these days would come. Most responded with, "Not in my lifetime!"

While the nomination of Governor Palin has brought 'controversy' and excitement, it has also started several needed dialogues about women and their role in both politics and the household. While I am not a mother, yet, I am still concerned with issues like balancing career and home. I know that one day I will be faced with the decision of whether I should stay at home with my children or trust them with a caregiver.

One thing that has angered me about this new debate is the fact that we are told as little girls that "You can do anything you put your mind to!", except have a career AND kids. Then people start to treat us like we are evil and committing some sin against the motherhood gods. Why can't a women have her cake and eat it too? Why do people automatically assume that once a child is born to a couple that the women has to be the one to sacrifice her career?

I can't speak from experience but I hope, when the time comes for me, raising our children will become a partnership between my husband and I. I also want to say that I in no way look down on women who give up their careers for children. In fact, I admire them greatly. Giving up a job and staying home to raise children takes a lot of courage and sacrifice.

As far as women taking on leadership roles, I say more power to them. We need a female voice in politics fighting for issues that effect children, families, and women. If you are thinking of running for office....DO IT! Dont let anyone tell you that being a women will hold you back or effect your ability to serve. If you aren't ready to strap on your walking shoes and start campaigning for office the least you can do it VOTE. VOTE EARLY AND VOTE OFTEN!!!

August 27, 2008

Constitution Day

(This is part of a piece I wrote for my companies newsletter that I wanted to share with all my blogger friends)

On September 17th we will join together as a country to celebrate Constitution Day. Created to honor the timeless principles that govern our country, the purpose of this holiday is to remember the important values that contributed to America’s political foundation and to celebrate our individual freedoms.

As a young girl I traveled to our nation’s capitol and visited the National Archives to view our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. At the time I failed to appreciate the value of these historic documents but through the years I’ve grown to cherish the battle fought by our Founding Fathers to secure liberties for America and its future generations. Over two hundred years later, the words found within both our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence have found residence in the deepest and dearest parts of our being.

As Gary Palmer, president of the Alabama Policy Institute, noted in a recent column, “One of the urgent challenges facing America today is the need to pass on the essential core knowledge and principles necessary for the next generation to successfully lead our nation.” I believe in the values that shaped our country’s history and recognize the importance of ensuring that they remain in the forefront of all policy debates both at the national and state level.

August 25, 2008

My favorite time of the year.

I can't resist posting something about the beautiful weather this morning and the glorious occasion that will happen in just 5 days, 1 hour, and 25 minutes. Yes folks it's football season. This morning as I stepped outside I could smell the fresh fall air fighting against the sticky humid summer air for it's chance to grace my presence. Unfortunately it lost that fight as we climb into the upper 80's but I know that soon I will be enjoying cool 70 degree weather. What's better is enjoying that while you sit outside Owen Field enjoying a hot dog and cold beverage. Sitting around talking football with your best friends wondering if this will be the year that Stoops leads us to a National Championship. Hoping for the chance to experience something special so we can sit with our grand kids one day and say, "We were there!"

I spent this weekend shopping for the perfect game day shirt. One that would show my Sooner Spirit but also keep me cool as I sit in the glorious North End Zone and cheer on my team. Yes folks I am that nerd. I plan my weeks, wardrobe, and social events around the OU game day schedule. I look forward to this time of year in the same way that a little child looks forward to Christmas morning. Sooner football is wrapped in tradition and fills the Oklahoma history books with many glorious stories. OU games attract dignataries, famous personalities, and occasionally are highlighted on network television shows. It's part of our culture here in Oklahoma and I will always feel honored to be a part of the show!

August 22, 2008

To be or not to be? That is the question.

When I get bored and I allow my mind to wonder it immediately fills up with questions.  Questions about life, people, animals, and mostly why things are the way they are.  I've always been like this ever since I was a little girl.  Some might call me nosey but I call it curious. I would spend hours during the summer taking things apart in my mother's house just because I wondered, "How does this thing work?"

So I began to think the other day about how powerful the question mark is.  Think about it. It's probably the most powerful punctuation mark there is. Think of the many marketing campaigns and historical events that have been surrounded around questions...
  • Where's the beef?
  • What Would Jesus Do? (if you think this wasn't a marketing ploy you are wrong)
  • Mr. President did you have sex with that woman?
  • What came first, the chicken or the egg?
  • Does this make my butt look big?
And a few less famous questions I ask myself on a daily basis.
  • What made me think this looked good on me?
  • What's up with Amy McRee's face?
  • How can I make money doing nothing? (besides being a politician)
  • Does my dog really have to lick my face every other minute in the morning? Yes I hear the alarm!
  • Why do people ALWAYS let their children run wild in Wal-Mart?
As children we are naturally inquisitive.  Anyone who has spent more than five minutes with a toddler knows that their conversations consist of mainly questions. Why is the sky blue? Who invented people? Where do pop tarts come from? Why can't I eat my buggers? Why don't girls have weenises? (that one is for my boy Bo)  There's even a game show where you can only answer with questions. (Jeopardy)

Think about how the world would be if people stopped asking questions?  I think this quote answers that..."There are no foolish questions and no one becomes a fool until they stop asking questions."

I will leave you with some of my personal favorite questions.  Most I can't take credit for. Please feel free to respond with your own favorite questions. Like, Why did I waste 2 minutes of my life reading this blog?

If laughter is the best medicine, who's the idiot who said they 'died laughing'? 
If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches? 
Why are the little styrofoam pieces called peanuts?
Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.
Do siamese twins pay for one ticket or two tickets when they go to movies and concerts?
Why does caregiver and caretaker mean the same thing?
How fast do hotcakes sell?
When there's two men who "get married", do they both go to the same bachelor party?
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Who was Sadie Hawkins?
Why do we sing "Rock a bye baby" to lull a baby to sleep when the song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the cradle on the ground?
Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
Why do we put suits in a garment bag and put garments in a suitcase?
If Mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes?
Why do people never say "it's only a game" when they're winning?
If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?
Why is it called a funny bone, when if you hit it, it's not funny at all?
Why do dogs like the smell of other dogs butts?
Do Chinese people get English sayings tattooed on their bodies?
Do glow-in-the-dark objects stop glowing when somebody turns the lights on?
If you died with braces on would they take them off?

How come lemon washing up liquid contains real lemons, but lemon juice contains artificial flavorings.

August 13, 2008

Ten Reasons Why Your Company Needs to 'Tweet'

A great article about why Twitter is important. (FYI I'm addicted) I stole this from jenx67's blog because I'm not creative enough to come up with my own stuff.


August 11, 2008

All Gore's Hypocrisy Caught by AFP

Before you listen to another word from Al Gore watch this video. Before he starts preaching to me he better start making come changes of his own.

August 1, 2008

Teachers cry, "More, more, more!" AGAIN!!!

The Oklahoma Education Association (OEA) announced a plan yesterday demanding $850 million additional dollars for education. Their goal is to raise Oklahoma's per pupil spending to the national average. While I'm ok with that I would also suggest that we LOWER the per pupil spending for administration costs. Oklahoma may be in the bottom as far as the amount of dollars that go straight to the classroom but we are one of the top ten in how much we spend per pupil on administration costs. These include, among many other things, the comfy salaries that we pay our MANY superintendents.

Read the Oklahoman article here.

July 25, 2008

The rest of the story...

Here are the remainder of my New York photos (minus the All-Star game).

What is a trip to New York without a few celebrity sightings. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of two of them so I had to improvise.

The first one we saw was Kevin Connolly from Entourage. We were walking down Broadway late at night and I saw this guy who caught my attention because he was talking really loud and walking like a typical new yorker. Then I started staring at him and thinking "I know him from somewhere." And I noticed that my friend Katie had that same look on her face. Then as he passed he gave us the head nod and we immediately looked at each other and said...that's the guy from Entourage!

While dining at a very good Italian restaurant we overheard that a famous baseball player was going to be there. Of course being the fans we were we decided to stick around and see who it was, and it was David Wright with the Mets.
No trip to the Big Apple is complete without visiting the Hello Deli to see Rupert. If you watch David Letterman then you know what this is. Oddly enough he had an OU shirt on so I couldn't resist getting my picture taken with him doing the upside down hook em horns. Even though Rupert had some problems with it.

Some celebrating after the boys got back from the All-Star game. This was one of the best nights. We stayed at a local bar until about 5:30am then went to get something to eat. By the time we made it back to our hotel the sun was coming up!!!

My candle.
Astros Mascot during the Mascot parade.
Trucks that carried the players during the parade.
Josh Hamilton's truck!

Both pictures above are of Katie and I when we went to Wicked. The boys got tickets to the All-Star game and we got tickets to Wicked. It was MUCH better than any baseball game.

Again, I still haven't posted the pics from the All-Star game. I will do that as soon as I get them in digital format.

July 24, 2008

What's a vacation if you don't have any fun?! (NYC Part 3)

OK, if drunken idiots, smoking, rude gestures, or just plain silliness offend you then maybe you shouldn't look at this post. And I must comment on the bar TJ chose. Yes, it was a great place to hang out and watch the Home run Derby, yes the people were great and the beer was cold. But out of all the bars in New York TJ picks the one covered in Longhorns crap!!

Katie trying to teach Billy from Brooklyn how to two step.

We're just one big happy family.

I don't know what to say about this one.
I think I was doing an Irish jig for the guy from Ireland.

Myles making friends.

He's just a big dumb animal folks.

Part 2 of the Big Apple

Part 2 of our New York trip. I'm saving all of the baseball pics for one post.

The Rock! Or Rockefeller Center to the rest of us. This is where NBC studios are, and yes that means Saturday Night Live is filmed here. We actually got to view the studio but weren't allowed to take pictures. It's a LOT smaller than you think.

View of the flatiron building from the top of the Empire State Building.

Chrysler building from the top of the Empire State Building.

Where they film the Daily Show with John Stewart. At first I didn't believe it because it was in the middle of the ghetto, but some locals told us this is where it's done.

Old Glory in Grand Central Station. This was one of the most beautiful buildings I've ever seen
The Met (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Both pictures above are of a tomb that was excavated and put inside the MET. It was really neat to see.

A bunch of naked and headless statues from Rome. There was also a Super Heroes Exhibit but they wouldn't let us take pictures. It had Cat Women's costume, the original Superman outfit worn by Christopher Reeve, the Batman costume from Dark Knight, and some others that I can't remember.

Rockefeller Center where they usually ice skate, but in the summer they set up tents where you can eat.

That's all I have time for now. I will try and do more tonight.

July 23, 2008

I can not wait to see this movie!
See more Will Ferrell videos at Funny or Die

July 22, 2008

New York, New York!

In case you didn't know (or you haven't been following me on Twitter) Myles and I visited the Big Apple last week with our good friends Katie and TJ.  I wanted to tell you all about it but instead of boring you with a lot to read I am going to tell our story in pictures!  Now there are about 400 of them (don't worry I won't show them all to you) so it might take a few entries for me to tell the whole story.
Me and Katie!

The Perry's and the Davidson's at dinner.  The food was amazing!  I wish I could have another one of those salads.

We kept telling TJ that they were too small but he insisted that they would fit.

Breakfast at Tiffany's!  (In case there was any doubt in your mind now you KNOW I'm a dork.)

The pickle at Carnegie Deli.  Still not sure why they have a giant pickle but the waitress there was awesome and so was the food.

Times Square at night.  I tried to put this with the others but can't figure it out.

The 3 photos above were taken on the Brooklyn Bridge.  My favorite is the one with the American flag.  And of course I had to stop at the spot were they filmed a scene for the Sex and the City movie and act out the Scene from Saturday Night Fever with John Travolta.  I'm a nerd!

This is in central park with a view of the skyline.  Next time I am there I HAVE to rent a row boat.  It looked so romantic.

We are in New York for 20 minutes and Myles gets in a fight with Rocky. :)  What am I going to do with him?

This was a clock in the middle of Times Square and every once and awhile an American and a National MLB player would come out.  They would pull something from their pockets and we never figured out what it was.  Honestly it looked like a screw driver.

Times Square during the day.  This was Myles' first time in the Big City and I love seeing the reaction of first timers when they see Times Square.  (Personally I think it's MUCH better at night)

We went inside a church across from the WTC site and inside was a huge banner from firefighters and police officers from Oklahoma.  I can't tell you how much I filled with pride at the site of this!  We truly live in the greatest state in the entire world!!!

That is all for now.  Please check back for more!