October 7, 2008

Sometimes we all need a reminder that it's ok to slow down.

After I finished my physical therapy session this afternoon I debated on whether I should run by my husband's grandparents house and grab a sandwich or hit up a drive through. "A drive through would be so much faster," I kept saying to myself. But stopping by Troy and Omega's would mean time to visit on catch up. "But I don't have much time and I need to get back to work!" (More excuses from myself) If they offered degrees in excuse making I would have a doctorate.

In the end I opted with going by the grandparents, after all food there would be free. (my cheap side won) So, I ran into the house and immediately headed for the fridge grabbing everything I needed for a sandwich all the while saying my hellos. I had the Omega special; a turkey and mustard sandwich, coke and mozzarella sticks.

As I sat in the kitchen talking to Troy I was happy that I chose to stop by. Time with family and grandparents is so limited and I think that too often I take advantage of it. Sure I have good intentions. I tell myself that I am going to see someone and next thing I know the week is over. I get caught up with pilates, running errands, watching my favorite shows, and responsibilities with junior league.

In the end going to the Gibson's was worth taking the extra time. It forced me to slow down and just enjoy time with family. I enjoyed listening to his stories about the war and hearing about how there used to be a vending machine that dispensed beer on base.

I think we all could benefit from slowing down more often. There is nothing better than time with family!


Jennifer Chronicles (jenx67.com) said...

A very dear mentor of mine always said, "Everyone gets 24 hours a day." It took me awhile to figure out exactly what he meant, but I get it now. (We make time for what's important.) Nice post. Made me think of all the excuses I make...

Rex B. said...

I agree with you so much! We have got to slow down, we are killing ourselves from the stress of it all. We will have regrets our whole lives because of the lack of time spent with friends and family.

Lanie and I talk about this topic all the time and are trying to slow down and live our lives with others. Not just give all our hours to work.

AND... I can't imagine a beer vending machine! Wow, that is something I need.