June 13, 2008

A smile is the most attractive thing you can wear.

This is from the 2008 Love Your Body Campaign.

It was created by Emily Warwick from Danvers, Massachusetts.

I love this image because just this morning I was adding up in my head all the money I spend on "looking good". Let me warn you before you think about doing it...this may frighten you.

Between the face creams, make-up, lotions, gym memberships, cloths, and hair products I could pay for my future children's college with the money I spend each month. And for what? I still complain about my bad skin, fat thighs, and unmanageable hair.

I'm ashamed to admit it but it's because I am one of those girls who relies on looks to make myself happy. But I'm working on it.

So what does make a women beautiful? Let me tell you after attending my husband's work fund raiser last week it's not a tanning bed, plastic surgery, or tight cloths. I've never seen so many tucked and sucked women in my life and not a one of them were 'beautiful' to me.

I feel a cliche coming on......wait for it! True Beauty Comes From Within! There is a reason this statement has been repeated over the years. BECAUSE ITS TRUE. True beauty is not being a size 6. True beauty is...
  • Committing an unselfish act to benefit a stranger
  • Getting an education
  • Excelling at work
  • Becoming a mother
These are things that you can't wear around but that shouldn't stop them from making you feel like a beautiful person.

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