So it's been almost 6 months since my last post and there has been a lot happening in the Davidson household. Those of you who know me know that I love to tell stories through pictures so I will spread my catch-up through several posts.
- I lost my job this past October. I worked for a non-profit that unfortunately felt the strain of our wonderful economy. But I'm happy to say that after 4 months of searching I found a job that I LOVE! We'll get there I promise.
- Our beloved Poppy Troy passed away after battling cancer. We miss him sooo much.
- Jenica moved to Florida. I still can't bring myself to read a note she left me because I cry every time I think about it.
- My friend Kate is having a baby!
- My baby sister is moving to California :( Boo
- My older sister is moving to Tulsa.
- We finally got rid of that nasty tree in our front yard. I'm sure it doesn't sound like a big deal to you but it was to us.
- Myles started a new job!!!!!
First, let's back up a few months. This past December Myles and I traveled to NYC with Myles' parents for some R&R and a little Christmas shopping.

Macy's!!!!!! I wanted to skip through the store like a little kid but I didn't want to embarrass Cindy.

Alexander Hamilton's grave outside of Trinity church. This is the church in National Treasure and also where the firefighters slept during the 911 recovery efforts.

This is the front of the New York stock exchange.

In this picture I'm grabbing the bull by the horns but my husband chose to cut me out. Apparently he doesn't get my humor.

Me, Cindy, and Marc on the Statue of Liberty ferry. It was cold!!!! This was also shortly after Myles broke the boat. He he.

Radio City Music Hall the night we went to see the Rockettes.
It was cold and rainy but so worth it.
This was also the night we heard the little boy yell "Put me down you a*#hole!" to his dad. We laughed about it for a month.

Myles and I in front of the Rockefeller Christmas tree.
He really was excited, but there were a million people there and our shoes were filling up with freezing cold water.

Rockefeller Christmas tree. It was cold and rainy but I think it made the tree look so pretty.

This tree was in the hallway of Radio City Music Hall and was made of thousands of Swarovski crystals. If it would have fit in my purse I would have stolen it.

View of NYC from the ferry.

Statue of Liberty at sunset. This picture is just amazing.

Lady are beautiful!