Here are the remainder of my New York photos (minus the All-Star game).
What is a trip to New York without a few celebrity sightings. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of two of them so I had to improvise.

The first one we saw was Kevin Connolly from Entourage. We were walking down Broadway late at night and I saw this guy who caught my attention because he was talking really loud and walking like a typical new yorker. Then I started staring at him and thinking "I know him from somewhere." And I noticed that my friend Katie had that same look on her face. Then as he passed he gave us the head nod and we immediately looked at each other and said...that's the guy from Entourage!

One night after the girl's had gone to bed the boys stayed out on the hotel porch and drank. Suddenly someone walks by and Myles says, "Hey that's Jackie Mason". Of course TJ's response was, "Who's Jackie Mason?"

While dining at a very good Italian restaurant we overheard that a famous baseball player was going to be there. Of course being the fans we were we decided to stick around and see who it was, and it was David Wright with the Mets.
No trip to the Big Apple is complete without visiting the Hello Deli to see Rupert. If you watch David Letterman then you know what this is. Oddly enough he had an OU shirt on so I couldn't resist getting my picture taken with him doing the upside down hook em horns. Even though Rupert had some problems with it.
Some celebrating after the boys got back from the All-Star game. This was one of the best nights. We stayed at a local bar until about 5:30am then went to get something to eat. By the time we made it back to our hotel the sun was coming up!!!
My candle.
Astros Mascot during the Mascot parade.
Trucks that carried the players during the parade.
Josh Hamilton's truck!
Again, I still haven't posted the pics from the All-Star game. I will do that as soon as I get them in digital format.