April 30, 2008

The Case Against Hillary Clinton

(I know what you are thinking, "Two blogs in one day! Is something wrong?" Just don't get used to it)

I recently finished reading the book, The Case Against Hillary Clinton by Peggy Noonan. I began reading it in anticipation of Ms. Noonan’s visit to Oklahoma and speaking engagement at my company’s annual dinner. As I began reading the first chapter I become engrossed in the stories Ms. Noonan was telling and intrigued by the points she was making. Needless to say the next thing I knew I was almost half way through the book. I didn’t want to put it down!!

One of the best points that she made involved Hillary’s obsession with Eleanor Roosevelt. For those of you who aren’t familiar, Mrs. Roosevelt was the wife of President Franklin Roosevelt. She was probably the earliest first lady to see her role as more than an entertainer for White House guests. She took her job very seriously and become a strong advocate for social issues. But she never did it for recognition; in fact, most biographers will tell you that she was the exact opposite, avoiding the spotlight at all costs. Mrs. Roosevelt did not think that it was all about her. She thought it was about coal miners, immigrants, and African Americans.

Hillary Clinton thinks she is Eleanor Roosevelt. However, Hillary doesn’t want to make the sacrifices that Eleanor Roosevelt made; she doesn’t want to put her reputation on the line to fight for social change; and she certainly would never do something notable without a camera crew there to document her every move. No, Hillary Clinton wants to be known as historic, but she doesn’t want to be historic.

Endings Only Mean New Beginings

I've reached an epic moment in my life. Tonight I will take my LAST exam as a collegiate student. It's hard to believe that this day is here. Unlike my undergraduate degree, my masters has flown by so fast. In just a week in a half I will be walking across to stage to have my peach (yes peach!) robe placed over my head signifying that I have received my Master in Business. I still remember watching these students with great jealousy during my undergraduate ceremony. All I could think of was, "Man I am never going to make it there!" But I did!! Of course Myles is already starting to talk to me about a Doctorate or my law degree. Even though I am not counting those out I just don't think I am ready to start hitting the books again.

Now I face the decision of what challenge I am going to take on next. The most likely is going to be flight school, but not until after the mandatory rest period I have established. I plan on spending the summer relaxing and enjoying my husband, home, friends, and of course dogs. So please keep me in mind when planning lake trips, nights out, and of course porch parties. All I can say is....BRING ON THE MARGARITAS!!!

April 15, 2008


I haven't forgotten about my blog. As soon as I finish my marketing project and get this fundraiser out of the way I will be back.

In fact I'm reading a book by Peggy Noonan about Hillary Clinton that i can't wait to review.